Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sufficiency in You They Find

Michael E. Wood
February 11, 2011

Leviticus 9:22-24, Then Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people and blessed them, and he came down from the sin offering and the burnt offering and the peace offerings. And Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting, and when they came out they blessed the people, and the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people. And fire came out from before the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the pieces of fat on the altar, and when the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.

This may seem a strange passage to some by which one might think to provoke unto good works and especially by way of prayer, and yet herein are found such glorious images of the beauty of Christ as revealed by His Spirit that the children of God cannot help but to desire Him, worship Him, and find themselves burdened that others know Him as well.

Knowing there is extremely far more in this passage than I understand or will speak of in this brief account, a few things to consider are the following:

Aaron as a representative of Christ, and Moses as a representative of God the Father and the law of God are seen entering the tent of meeting. From the eternal council of the God-head before the foundation of the world, it was determined that Christ, having fulfilled the Law of God perfectly, would offer Himself as the sacrifice by which the redeemed would be procured. By hindsight provided by the Holy Spirit through the New Testament scriptures we understand, that God has spoken to us in these last days through His Son, having caused us to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. When we see by faith that the fire of God’s justice of which we deserved, rained down upon Christ, and thereby vindicating God’s justice, and demonstrating the magnitude of His steadfast love for us, it causes us to fall on our faces before Him, and shout His eternal praises!

Jesus Christ being the same yesterday, today, and forever; transforms the deadness of our being into a fire of zeal for His glory, whereby we are enabled to offer up acceptable sacrifices of praise, adoration, and prayer unto God, Who has become our Father by His eternal Spirit.

Oh Father You know how reluctant we are
Because of our flesh with our sins infirmed,
And yet by Your Spirit You raise us up
By the Word of Your grace we are confirmed;
To know our position in Christ is sealed,
So boldly we come and trust You hear
Every word that we speak in sincerity
And know by His blood that we have Your ear.

Before we ask, You know every petition
And knowing You answer brings great delights,
But knowing we’re Yours is far greater still,
As the Father of mercies and Father of lights.
Oh draw us yet closer in true confidence
As You provide all You know and deem best
To show forth Your glory in this darkened world
As we wait upon You and endure every test.

Oh fill us with power to walk in Your Spirit,
Fulfilling not lusts but Your will in our time.
For life is so short and all that will matter
Is the praise of Your glory in all that are Thine.
Please use us to help by our true supplications
Those You have placed in our heart and our mind,
That they for Your glory be strengthened in spirit
And know all sufficiency in You they find.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From You Comes Forgiveness

Michael E. Wood
February 7, 2011

In continuation of reading “The Lord’s Prayer” by Thomas Watson, a number of statements stood out in relation to the forgiveness of sins.

1. “God counts it His glory to display free grace in its most brilliant colours.”

2. “Man’s sin in comparison of God’s mercy is but a spark to the ocean; and who would doubt whether a spark could be quenched in an ocean?”

3. “Think with yourselves how great a mercy it is: it is one of the richest jewels in the cabinet of the new covenant.”

4. “David’s sin was forgiven soon as he repented. 2 Samuel 12:13. But David did not feel the comfort of it at once, as appears by the penitential Psalm composed afterwards. ‘Make me to hear joy;’ and ‘Cast me not away from Thy presence.’ Psalm 51:8, 11. It is one thing to be pardoned and another to feel it.”

5. “As it is said of the apostles when Christ first appeared to them, ‘They believed not for joy, and wondered,’ (Luke 24:41), so the soul may be so stricken with admiration that the wonder of pardon staggers its faith.”

6. “Our comfort consists in the knowledge of forgiveness…There is a jubilee in the soul when we are able to read our pardon. To the witness of conscience God adds the witness of His Spirit; and in the mouth of these two witnesses our joy is confirmed.

7. “The Lord only by His Word must judge whether we are pardoned or not… we are such as The Word of God pronounces to be clean.”

And thus, upon pondering these statements, and thinking of other believers who may need these words of encouragement as well, the following came to mind.

We thank You for the Word of grace
By which you now declare;
That from You comes forgiveness
For the sins which brought despair.

And by the witness of Your Spirit
Our conscience is made clean--
To focus Soli on Jesus Christ
On Whom alone we lean.

How precious is the blood of Christ
By which You now bestow
Sure mercies to encourage us
And more Your glory know.

For as we view the panoply
Of all the scenes of time,
There’s nothing greater or more worth
Your glory, so sublime!

Oh Father, as You now see fit,
Your kingdom to increase,
Oh strengthen by Your Spirit
Through this temp’ral life on lease,

For all we have we owe to You,
Oh Christ within the veil,
And more; Oh fill our praise to Thee,
Til with You where You dwell.

Then clothed by You in wonder
And the robes of purest white,
To see You in Your glory
And the splendor of Your light.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our Greatest Need is You

Michael E. Wood
February 4, 2011

After spending part of the day listening to messages by Joel Beeke and Francis Chan on the subject of prayer from the recent Desiring God Pastors Conference, the following poem came to mind as a prayer. While deeply convicted of my own need to grow in the area of personal prayer, I am yet encouraged by the Word of God that those that have gone before us and those whom God uses to challenge us by His Spirit to grow in the grace of prayer were and are just like we are: children of The Living God, absolutely dependant upon Him to hear and to answer the cries of our heart to become more like Christ throughout our lifetime until we see Him face to face.

Oh melt our hearts Oh Father
That we like men of old
Lay hold of You persistently
By mercies to be bold.

Though hindered by our passions;
Assist us in our prayers,
To know the joy that only comes
When fighting through the layers

Of all our pride impeding us
And sins particular
Which when confessed, translates to light
To see perpendicular.

For though You’re high and lofty
And dwell in glory bright;
You dwell within the broken
And the heart that is contrite.

We thank You for the promises
That You to us have told,
Personified through Jesus Christ
In Whom we now behold.

For all our answers we shall find
In Him are Yea! Amen!
So make us more like Jesus
By Your Spirit to ascend

With confidence secured by Christ
In Whom You now delight
And answer more than we can ask
Through grace and awesome might!

You know our every need and
Know our greatest need is You,
And for Your pleasure You will answer
All that shall be true

By which we may behold
The wondrous glory of Your grace,
And infinite shall be the day
We see You face to face!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let Your Light So Shine!

Michael E. Wood
January 31, 2011

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. 1 John 3:1

What an amazing thing it is, and what a privilege to ponder the fact that we are children of God; made so by His effectual call, through the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Why God would choose to save any of us, when we understand our own wretchedness, is impossible to comprehend apart from the application of His Spirit to the core of our being by the Word of His grace. Having removed from us a heart of stone, of which was absolutely incapable of responding to Him, He gave to us a heart of flesh; made alive by the spiritual transfusion of His Spirit, and the covering of the blood of Christ to make us His Own. And this He has done for His Own glory!

“God’s glory is more worth than heaven, more worth than the salvation of all men’s souls.” Thomas Watson

Paul referred to the glory of God in this manner as he addressed his first letter to Timothy.
1 Timothy 1:11 … THE GOSPEL OF THE GLORY OF THE BLESSED GOD with which I have been entrusted. (Emphasis mine)

Oh that the contemplation and the worth of the glory of God would so resonate in our hearts that all of our thoughts and all of our ways would be taken up and transformed to show forth His glory through the sacrificial offering up of ourselves as we grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us.

This new song came as a result of contemplating these things over a three day period of time.

How humbling it is to know
We’re not what we should be.
And yet the blood of Jesus
By the cross of Calvary
Has caused us now to see
What kind of love the Father has
Given us, that children of
Our God we are known as.

The Spirit of the living God
Received of Him abides
In us to know every thing
Is true that He confides
To us that in righteousness
As from Him we are taught
To walk within the narrow way
For which by Him we’re bought.

Abide in Him now children
So that when our Lord appears,
We may with all confidence
And not shrink back with fears,
See Him as He Is and
In His likeness we shall be.
Thus in hope we strive like Him
To be in purity.

Oh see Him in His glory
And know Him in His might.
Christ is the way by which
We’re given grace for sin to fight.
For in Him there is not one sin.
He came to take away
Our sins, you know when He appeared
On earth that glorious day.

By this we know what true love is.
His life He did lay down
For us. And for our brothers too,
Where grace through faith abounds,
We ought as He, in deed and truth,
And not just word or talk,
Lay down our lives, a sacrifice,
Show love by how we walk.

So let your light so shine before
All men that glory be
Given to our Father,
Who in heaven did decree
All things that we may know Him
As He Is, For God Is Love.
In faithfulness display His gift
Til with Him then above.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thy Will Be Done

Michael E. Wood
January 23, 2011

Jesus not only taught his disciples while on earth how to pray by giving instruction, He proved the power of prayer by example on many occasions. The third petition of what many have come to know as “The Lords Prayer”, calls for us to cry out, “Thy Will Be Done”. In the garden of Gethsemane as Jesus came before our Father which is in heaven, he prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but YOURS, BE DONE.”

The answer to that prayer wrought eternal salvation for all of the people of God, as Christ drank the bitter cup of the wrath of God in our place.

He knows the feeling of our infirmities far better than we do, and having sent His Spirit to dwell within us, our hearts are united to Him as one, and thus we cry out with Him, “Thy Will Be Done”.

While reading a treatise on “The Lords Prayer” by Thomas Watson, I came to the close of his thoughts concerning this third petition and the following poem came to mind.

Thy will be done my heart cries out
Though dark times tempt my mind to doubt.
And yet through mercies understood
You help me see eternal good
Shall come from ev’ry providence
You send by Your expedience.
For from Your high and lofty view
You see the end, and bring me through.

While I am not made perfect yet,
My course is laid by You and set
To drink of everlasting springs;
Rejoice with all that to You sings
Of Your omniscient glorious might
To give each day what You deem right
That we may know You as You are,
And Christ the Bright and Morning Star!

Oh Father as You have decreed
By written word, our every need
Shall be supplied through Jesus Name
To spread the glory of His fame.
For as Your Spirit teaches us
He shall return and glorious
Shall be the praise that we shall give
As one with You we’ll ever live.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Carden

Michael E. Wood
February 12, 2011

On January 13, 2006, upon arriving in North Carolina on a bus, my grandmother Blanche was there to pick me up. Upon the godly advice of Pastor Bill Russel and my good friend David Coulter (who is now with the Lord) I had left Arkansas for what I thought at the time to be an extended visit and to be a help to my sister Tina with her husband Jerry. After a couple of days visiting with grandma and my mother, I moved in with Tina and Jerry.

His health had been declining rapidly, and I would stay with him during the day so that Tina could maintain her regular work schedule. Jerry and I had numerous conversations about general things, and of Christ, and one occasion he said to me, “I just don’t understand what is happening to me.” Upon that statement, I said to him, “I think the Lord is preparing you to meet Him.” With Jerry being a retired Police officer, the chaplain from the department would also make visits and speak to him of Christ and eternity. In just over a month after my arrival, Jerry was moved to the hospice house and within a few days he was gone. The Chaplin, whose name I do not remember, preached clearly the gospel of Christ at the funeral. As he spoke of Jerry, he quoted him as saying in his last days, “I know that I’m a sinner, and I know that I’m forgiven. I’m just not sure why.” It is believed that the last statement made was in reference to the enormity of the mercy that had been shown to him in those last days. The great Puritan Thomas Watson said, “It is one thing to be pardoned and another to feel it… the soul may be so stricken with admiration that the wonder of pardon staggers its faith.” And thus we trust the Great God and Judge of all the earth will do right.

Upon Jerry’s departure I moved in with grandma, still not knowing how long I would be in North Carolina. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. We were given a very precious season of sharing together in the things of Christ. After a few short months, I became a member of Beacon Baptist Church where she has been a member for nearly thirty-seven years. Daily devotions together in the Word of God, and times of prayer and praise were sweet.

As I think back, there were a few occasions of which our relationship was tested in understanding one another. On one of these, I had confronted my uncle, who was also her youngest son, concerning a certain matter, of which he called and told her of. When she got off of the phone with him she said to me, “I picked you up at the bus station and I can certainly take you back.” I cannot help but smile as I think of how gracious the Lord was to show Himself true, and to make us laugh together over the matter several months later.

One day as I prepared to go to work at Cracker Barrel, I checked on her before leaving out, as she had not gotten up as of yet. When I knocked on her bedroom door, I said, “Grandma, are you O.K.?” To which she responded in a rather weak voice, “No I’m not!”
I said, “What’s the matter?” She said “I’m sick”. Immediately I called mom, who lived across the field. Mom was there within a few minutes, and together we got grandma into the car. Mom being an R.N., took grandma to her own house to watch over her for a few days. After a doctors appointment, it was determined that grandma needed a blood transfusion, but grandma said, “If the Lord is ready to take me, than I am ready to go!” Hospice was called in, with the expectation that grandma had but a short time to live.

Day after day went by, and to the amazement of the doctors and everyone else, grandma began to recover. After about eight months, she was doing so well she was moved to the Spring View Assisted Living facility in Graham. Eventually, even the hospice nurses were told their assistance was no longer needed at this time.

On May 18, 2010, Dianna and I were blessed of the Lord to be married, with grandma sitting on the front row, as the dining room at Spring View had been transformed into a little chapel for the occasion. Having moved to California, it is my pleasure to check up on grandma from time to time, and with sweet thoughts of her turning 91 on February 12, 2011, the following poem came to mind of which Dianna made us a homemade card to send to her for such a time as this.

A Birthday Poem for My Grandma

At ninety-one your faith is strong,
And look to Christ, for Whom you long.
For as your days flow quickly by,
You’ve learned to stand in Him Who’s nigh.

For He alone has carried you
From birth to glory to be new.
Revealed by God through Sovereign grace
To look to Christ; His smiling face.

We thank you that for us you’ve prayed
That we might learn from Christ Who paid
And bore our sins on Calvary’s cross,
To count all things of earth as loss.

For as you read His Word and fear it,
God does attend then by His Spirit,
That to us His love and will be known
That He is God and God alone!

For He is worthy of our worship
As the Father of our fellowship,
And Jesus Christ His precious Son
Who by His blood has made us one.

So now rejoice in this new year
He’s given you to walk in fear,
For in His fear true wisdom reigns
And only that of Christ remains.

Abiding in His perfect love
Until He calls us home above,
And all creation shall proclaim
There’s no other name like Jesus’ Name!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

He's Not Finished Yet!

Michael E. Wood
February 8, 2011

Words can not express how thankful I am to our gracious God and heavenly Father Who has blessed us so richly with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has not only saved us but given us His Spirit, and endowed us with spiritual gifts whereby He not only enables us to bring glory to Himself, but enables us to be used of Him to build up the body of saints, as each joint supplies, growing up into one Holy temple, unto the praise of the glory of His grace.

Recently I read that 85% of Americans believe in God. Is it not obvious that most that make this claim are now presently in the state of which I too formally found myself in; religious but lost? Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof? In this present day even the “form” has taken on so many distortions that in many cases professing atheists hold to higher standards of morality and know the Bible better than do professing Christians.

False experiences may cause a certain amount of zeal, and even a great deal of what is commonly called religion. However it is not a zeal for good works. Their religion is not a service of God, but rather a service of self. This is how the apostle James puts it himself in this very context, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?" (James 2:19,20) In other words, deeds, or good works, are evidence of a genuine experience of God's grace in the heart. "We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2:34) When the heart has been ravished by the beauty of Christ, how else can it respond? Jonathan Edwards
Religious but lost is what I was then.
Broken and bleeding, my sin did offend:
The Almighty God, Creator of life,
In mercy procured the True Sacrifice.

In love beyond measure, God poured out His wrath
On my Sheppard who comforts with rod and His staff.
By sending His Son who did perfectly live,
I cannot but help it, to Him glory give.

Though in my past I brought only contempt,
Through His Sovereign mercy He made me exempt
From wrath which abides on all that not cleave
To Christ Jesus only and in Him believe.

Through grace He invaded my poor stubborn heart,
Injecting the faith that was not on my part.
“Forgive”, He did cry from that cruel Roman cross.
My reproach and my shame is now all my loss.

Though now my sins still cause me to falter,
Christ is my Treasure, and He Is the Alter
Upon which the glory of God now doth shine
And which He now tells me that Jesus is mine.

So now as a part of His body on earth
Every day we will spend now to show forth His worth
Until through the grave or called up with a shout
All praise will go to Him, of this there’s no doubt.

Till then, by His patience, let’s look to progress
In righteousness, godliness, true holiness.
Rejoicing in Jesus who paid our great dept,
And live in the promise, He’s not finished yet.

For all that God spoke, He will surely fulfill,
Conforming us to Him, by His Sovereign will.
And all will be seen, He did place in our heart
Manifesting His glory revealed now in part.

The initial lines of this poem were written in North Carolina nearly a year ago after reading Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards. The scrap piece of paper which also included a partial grocery list from that time had been pinned to a cork board staring at me for months.
A few days ago Dianna and I had stopped at the bread store to pick up a few items and then she asked about going across the street to look for some fabric at a Thrift Store. It was fifty percent off day, and while inside she noticed a six piece desk unit marked $129.99.

Knowing our current financial situation we walked out of the store committing the possible purchase to the Lord and went back to the house. We found through the internet that same unit sold for around $2,000.00 brand new. Thus we returned knowing it could be gone, but as the Lord would have it, it was still there. With the 50% off, we paid the $70.67 total purchase price and while we were taking it out of the store a woman that was looking for furniture asked if one of the pieces belonged to the unit. Upon our response to the affirmative, the man that was with her said, “good buy!” God not only blessed us in this temporal way with the furniture but used the occasion to further reveal to each of us His kindness in giving us to each other by the manner in which He worked in us as we responded to each other.

And so you may ask, “What does that have to do with the poem?” With the unit being so large, it called for a massive rearrangement to the room in which it is placed. The partially written poem was moved from the wall to eye level on the unit. As a means of simplifying, my intent was to type what was written on the computer to make room for other things on the cork board. The first, second and fourth stanzas were written previously with the rest having been written on this day. What a delight it is to know that though we have need of massive rearrangements in our hearts and minds before we get to glory, our Father delights in mercy, bringing things to view that are not yet finished, and is continually at work conforming us to the beauty of Christ-likeness.

Stir Up the Gift

Michael E. Wood
January 21, 2010

Having received a gift to write poetry and songs, there are times of which these type of lines of thought come to mind and I fail to write them down. A prevailing thought that occurs is what more can be said that has not already been said with much better words than I can say, and yet at the same time I’m given the understanding that to each of us as members of the body of Christ we have been given a gift according to the measure of the gift of Christ for edification.

At other times, thoughts of truth through lines of poetry come flooding into my mind, and it seems that I cannot not write them down regardless of when they may come; even if it be at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. Thus in moments when we are not certain as to how God may use the things He gives to us, we are encouraged to walk by faith and not by sight, entrusting all into His care to bring glory to Himself in whatever manner He sees fit.

Stir up the gift that you’ve been giv’n
Through love’s eternal plea,
As God has laid His hand on you
Through Christ at Calvary.

So if you’re feeling dry
And lack the fervency of old
Just do the things you know to do:
By faith you may lay hold

Of God Himself Who knows your heart
For it to you He gave
And cleanses by the blood of Christ,
Forever now a slave.

But more than that, a friend and heir
Forever now made free,
Rejoicing in the hope that’s sure,
With Christ we’ll ever be.

Just ask of God Who gives the faith
By which we may be bold
To come to Him and wait to hear
The things we will be told.

For by His Word and Spirit
He will speak to our pure mind
Made by Him to know in Him
New mercies we will find.

Be zealous and repent therefore
To see the love of God.
For it is He Who draws us close
Though chastened by His rod.

For every son, eternal good
Is what we will receive,
As more like Christ we will become
In Whom we did believe.

As God our Father changes not;
Fresh passions for His glory
Will be given as from Him
We hear redemption's story.

So then rise up and press the fight
Though early morn or late at night,
For one day soon we’ll take our flight
And see the face of God in light.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh Praise Him, Who Is our Strength and Song!

Michael E. Wood
January 10, 2011

On December 28th, I was given a new Christmas song (after a thief had stolen my car) but as it was recovered four days later without damage, a new song came out of the new song. I know that may sound a little ridiculous, but upon doing a little research with regard to the original music and words from which the previous song sprang forth I found the following background.

The song “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” first appeared on a 1760 circa broadsheet with the author unknown. From the same article, of which can be found on the cyber hymnal, we are told that the melody is in Aeolian mode and is common time or cut time. The word "Christmas" did not appear in the original song but was added many years later. The following can be sung to the same tune which is considered public domain, and thus this song is an expression of the grace of God freely given and freely received.

It is a call to worship THE ONE TRUE GOD! For though sin abounds, His grace much more abounds for the furtherance of the gospel unto the praise of His glorious grace.

We thank you for Your providence
You brought this glorious morn.
For by it You remind us that
Our grief’s by Christ was borne,
When He for us upon the tree
Paid for our sins and scorn.


Oh Praise Him, Who is our strength and song.
Strength and Song!
Oh Praise Him, for Whom our glad hearts long!

O may we be such vessels
That to others they may see,
That to You God our Savior,
May all glory ever be.
And may You use us to set forth
The truth with clarity.


The Good News is our focus,
And no matter what the cost.
Oh use us by Your Spirit
To convey to all the lost,
That all in You shall see
Your glory, we shall not exhaust.


Oh Spirit of the Living God
We humbly ask of You,
To meet with us; convict of sins,
Give grace then to subdue
All things that Christ alone
Be magnified by all You do.


Oh Spirit of the Living God,
O fall afresh we plead.
You know our every weakness
And for us You intercede.
And He Who searches all our hearts
Will answer to our need.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Romans Project (Part Nine)

Michael E. Wood
January 8, 2011

Chapter 5:18-21 (1/8/11)

The initial stanzas of this poem came somewhat easily upon reading portions of the Exposition of Romans by Martin Lloyd-Jones at the unwitting recommendation of Gregory N. Barkman through a message preached from the letter to the Galatians years ago and archived through found through the Beacon Baptist web sight.

With that said, I found it a challenge to continue as other writing projects took precedence. The meter is not consistent throughout, due partially to the fact that it was written over about a three month period of time, in three different sittings. The first sitting encompassed more of an instructional attitude, with the last being more personal and experiential. Knowledge can tend to puff us up even when the knowledge is true. Apart from the application of the truth of God by the Spirit of God our knowledge is vain. To experience the true grace of God unto the glory of God is worth all other heartaches, struggles, and losses we may encounter in this life.

Above all, it is not the pursuit of knowledge that saves us, but Christ ! Only Christ!

Let us cut to the chase of the actual facts;
Lay hold of the root and cut with the axe.
Condemnation came upon us by the offense of one man
And all we like him receive judgment for sin.

By one act of righteousness, is the Good News.
Justification and life came to all God did choose.
Disobedience made sinners, and that of one man.
By the obedience of One, made righteous, we stand.

Now the law entered to increase;
Expose the degradation
Which magnifies the grace of Christ
In His humiliation.
And thus by Him we’re given to know
With the Holy Spirit’s unction
The particular purpose the law was given
By Moses and its function.

Through it we see the depths
Of our own hearts depravity.
The very core of our own
Nature’s devastated gravity.
The more I know; the more I see
This wretchedness in me
Which defies Almighty God
And His great Majesty.

Once bound by the law, my heart shall rehearse
That all I found in it, was in me a curse;
But where sin had increased, Christ much more resounds
That all I have in Him by grace more abounds.

What a glorious sight, as sin reigned in death--
His grace now abides in me with every breath
I take for His glory, through His righteousness,
Christ Jesus my Lord, Whom I humbly confess.

And now by His promise, forever supernal,
He leads by His grace into life that’s eternal.
And as we pass through our sins final effect,
We’ll stand as one with Him, Whom He did perfect.