Monday, April 30, 2012

Displayed in Glories Land (4/2-3/11)

Michael E. Wood
April 2-3, 2011

While reading through Psalm 6, verse 9 caught my attention. “The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

A few days prior to reading this particular Psalm, I had been blessed with the opportunity to listen to a message by Pastor Gregory N. Barkman via, entitled, “Giving Thanks”. This particular message was the sixth installment of an expositional series through the book of Colossians. On this occasion I was reminded that the priority of prayer is worship.

Prayer is a means of grace given by God through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to display His glory and to procure the things He has promised. Prayer is also a matter and response of love, first to God and then for others which will not be fully comprehended or commended until with Him in eternity.

O prayer, sweet means of grace God gives
That with Him in communion,
We may rejoice in Who He Is
Through Christ by holy union.

As by faith He brings delight
In casting out all our fears.
His glory is transcendent
Far beyond all what appears.

For He delights in mercy;
All true worship He will accept,
And give beyond what any mind
Can think or e’er expect.

So as you go to Him to seek
All things you would procure,
Rejoice in knowing He alone
Knows best and what is sure

To bring him honor for the sake
Of His Own steadfast love,
Displayed both now in temp’ral life
And forevermore above.

Oh help us be more vibrant
By this gift of private prayer,
For all shall be revealed that day
With You in glory there,

When You show fully all that was
Entrusted by Your hand
As all true love is openly
Displayed in glories land.

Upon reading this poem once again, the thought came to mind of how that which may appear at first to be didactic also becomes personal as we direct our hearts toward God in prayer.

O prayer, sweet means of grace You give
That with You in communion,
We may rejoice in Who You Are
Through Christ by holy union.

As by faith You bring delight
In casting out all our fears.
Your glory is transcendent
Far beyond all what appears.

For You delight in mercy;
All true worship You will accept,
And give beyond what any mind
Can think or e’er expect.

So as we come to You to seek
All things we would procure,
Rejoice in knowing You alone
Know best and what is sure

To bring You honor for the sake
Of Your Own steadfast love,
Displayed both now in temp’ral life
And forevermore above.

Help us Father be more vibrant
By this gift of private prayer,
For all shall be revealed that day
With You in glory there,

When You show fully all that was
Entrusted by Your hand
As all true love is openly
Displayed in glories land.

“I Am The Resurrection”

Michael E. Wood
April 9, 2012

John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

While the following may seem somewhat esoteric and obviously falls incredibly short of the glory, the power, and the purity of that which our Lord proclaimed while He was here on earth, I trust that others will be encouraged to look to Him in His fullness and see Him as He is.

‘I Am the resurrection’ and I Am the life which flows
Within the heart of every child, that my forgiveness knows.
And as I call you each by name from your own dead estate
I also give the knowledge of my presence to forsake
The sin which held you captive, in the grave of Adam’s fall
And for my Father’s glory I have raised you by my call.

Oh friends, remove the grave clothes and the cloth about the face
Of every child to see me in this resurrected race
Of which I Am the head and now provide for every need,
Interceding by my blood and Spirit to proceed
Throughout your journey on the earth until the time to come
In which I’ll bring you to myself and show you where I’m from.

For though by faith you see me now and know by my own word,
This place prepared in glory is like nothing ever heard
Or seen with mortal eyes as they could never ever bear
The weight of glory that’s appointed for all those that share
In my sufferings of which I Am the Sovereign Lord
And give to you the grace and peace which none on earth afford.

And when you see me face to face and know the fullness of
My worth, enraptured with all saints in everlasting love,
You’ll also know more fully what was hidden from your eyes
And how I worked all things for good in answer to your cries.
For by my knowledge, through my cross I did to you bestow
The resurrected image of myself in you to show
My glory through eternity of which you knew in part,
But then you’ll know as you are known, in me with sinless heart.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

That Place of Contemplation

Michael E. Wood
March 23, 2012

While given the privilege to preach the Word on a regular basis, I am constantly aware of my own incapacity to do anything of eternal value apart from the mercy of our Father through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in absolute dependence upon the Holy Spirit to write upon the hearts of men and women the wonders of His glorious grace. At the same time it behooves us to continually ask for our Father’s help.

Oh help me bring Your people
To that place of contemplation
Of the Sweet Communion
With no need of vain oblation,
But that which was so firmly fixed
Through Christ and by Him owned
That we as one in body
May approach Thy Holy throne,
To know Thee as our Father
As You take us to Your breast,
Embracing by the love transfixed
By Christ our righteousness.

For though we have much need
By Thy sure grace to yet improve
Upon all You have by Your mercy
In our hearts so moved,
We trust You will yet finish
What it seems You just begun
To make us in Your time
Much more perfected by Your Son.
For when we come to glory
All will know and find in You
That You are so much greater
Than the glory that is due.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Beyond the Words on Printed Page

Michael E. Wood
March 17, 2012

Romans 8:12-15
So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”

Though it is good to be habitually studying and reading the Word of God, we may at times find that our pursuit of God Himself is lacking. Thankfully, He knows us far better than we know ourselves and stirs us afresh by His Spirit both to see and to feel our need of Him. How wonderful is the power of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which we are crucified unto the world and the world unto us for the praise of His glory!

In Christ there are true riches which in time will never fade
And the luster of His Beauty yet grows brighter as we’re made
To partake of holiness whereby we enter in
To see Him as He is when by His grace we conquer sin.

Oh help us comprehend beyond the words on printed page
The glory and the power of Your Presence in this age
Of multiple distractions which reduce our vision of
The wonder that You purchased by Your own redeeming love;
Our spirit, soul, and bodies that You may produce in kind
The children of Your promise through the Spirit by Your mind.

This privilege You gave to us to know You through the Name
Of Jesus Christ Your only Son, who is today the same,
As ever He was yesterday and evermore shall be,
Forever and forever by the cross of Calvary,
The One who took upon Himself our sins to justify
Your holy righteous judgment when for us You heard His cry!
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
And by this great offence was our attempt to kill You too!

And how You could yet love us only You could comprehend
Before the world and for Your sake decreed Your Son to send,
To gather for Your glory a great remnant from mankind,
Giving sight through Jesus Christ to us who were by nature blind.

Oh help us see more clearly by Your Presence as You give
The grace that we have need of for each day to look and live
In such a way that honors You, Oh Father of delights,
And be used of You in this dark world as Your true lights,
Reflecting though but dimly, yet more brightly with each day
Until we are perfected in the Truth, the Life, the Way!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Too Much Time

Michael E. Wood
March 17, 2012

Song of Solomon 5:2-8

I slept, but my heart was awake. A sound! My beloved is knocking.
“Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one,
for my head is wet with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.”
I had put off my garment; how could I put it on?
I had bathed my feet; how could I soil them?
My beloved put his hand to the latch, and my heart was thrilled within me.
I arose to open to my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh,
my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the handles of the bolt.
I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had turned and gone.
My soul failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but found him not;
I called him, but he gave no answer. The watchmen found me
as they went about in the city; they beat me, they bruised me,
they took away my veil, those watchmen of the walls.
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved,
that you tell him I am sick with love.

While there may be many who look to the Bible as a self help book, and especially to the Song of Solomon in relation to finding “marital bliss”, they miss the most important aspects of this love letter from our bridegroom, redeemer and friend. Oh how He draws our hearts out to Himself, as He speaks of His love for us. How easily it seems that we can be distracted at times by the multitude of temporal blessings and miss the Blessed One in whom is all our delight. And how can we convey the joy that is found in Christ alone if we go long without the enjoyment of His presence in our daily lives? If you can go days without number without the knowledge of His presence, you may have good reason to question if you have ever truly known Him or been known by Him.

Too much time without the knowledge of Your presence here
Is that which makes me shrink in my devotion to Your fear.
Oh come to me, remove the shackles of my temporal gain
That I might in deed and truth make more Your will so plain
That even such a little child shall know that they may come
And run into Your loving arms, each one as You they’re from;
Not only by creation as profound as that may be,
In Christ, the generation that Your glory they may see.

Oh send Your Holy Spirit as Your promise has foretold
That we in every aspect of Your truth may be more bold
To proclaim Your glory though this world may often test
The proof of Your sure council into which You make us rest,
Assured to all You purchased, Mighty Savior through the cross
To magnify Your Precious Name, Redeemer of all loss.

Oh how great the day will be when faith shall turn to sight
And we see You as You are; The Beauty of Your Might,
Where all in truth shall glorify with new immortal strains
Of praise to You who through Your blood has turned each loss to gain.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Father May We Hear Thy Voice

Michael E. Wood
March 15/17, 2012

While in communion with our Father driving toward Atria for the regular Thursday meeting, in the Life Guidance Center, the first stanza of the following prayer in the form of poetry came to mind, of which I hurriedly wrote down before entering the facility. As I read it to Dianna, she commented that it sounded like a song. As the rest of the day and the following day was filled with various activities the thought briefly went through my mind that it might actually enter into the file of unfinished poems we have named sparks. Saturday afternoon upon reading the beginning once again, the completion came rather quickly.

Oh Father May we hear Thy voice
As those of whom You’ve made by choice
To bring to You an offering
Of praise in worship as we sing.

For even at our very best
Tis only Christ in whom we rest
Assured amidst our suffering
Your glory shows in what we bring.

As You alone our hearts can see
Unfold to us the mystery
Anew that we may seek Your face
In awe and wonder of Your grace.

Oh by Thy Word to us declare
The glory of Thy presence there
On high and yet within our midst
With contrite, broken spirits kissed,
Prepare us for that glad some day
When all before You then we lay
The crowns of which to us You gave
To show that Christ alone doth save.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Things that I Could Mention

The Lord has opened up another wonderful door to share the gospel.  I have been asked to submit an article for inclusion in the monthly newsletter that goes out to the (over 250) residents at the Senior Living Center where I minister the Word. Below is a copy of the article that will appear in the May Newsletter. 

Things That I Could Mention
Michael E. Wood

While being Pastoral Care Provider for Atria El Camino Gardens, I understand that some of you as residents continue to enjoy the freedom to worship God in spirit and in truth along with a local congregation of your own choosing, and I rejoice with you in that privilege, and ask that you would pray for us, that the Word of the Lord would have free course and be glorified by the power of His Spirit as it is with you. If you are providentially hindered on any given Sunday, you are more than welcome to join us in the Club Room at 1:30p.m. For those in the Life Guidance building, we meet at 11:00a.m.Thursday.

On the other hand there may be those of you who are longtime residents or have recently become residents and are not fully aware of this opportunity of which you may enjoy regardless of your physical limitations. Staff members are available to assist you in whatever area of need you may have to accommodate your desire to meet with us. While being encouraged to write an article for the Newsletter and knowing that some of you I may never meet face to face this side of glory, the following came to mind.

Of all the things that I could mention, this is one of them,
Oh Come and worship God the Father in a song or hymn.
Come prepared with hearts a burning as He speaks with us
By the Holy Spirit showing Christ all glorious

As a man, He came to earth to do what none could do
And gave Himself; The Sacrifice to honor justice due.
For that which we deserve because of sin, no other way,
Could have satisfied the wrath of God due us each day.

But when upon the cross He cried, “It Is Finished’, it was done!
And by His resurrection He has proved that He’s the One
By whom a new creation set in order will be seen
By all who trust in Christ alone by faith; though now unseen,
And yet we love and look for Him to come again with power,
With glory overspreading all creation in that hour!

If you have any questions, prayer requests, or would like to meet with Dianna and me on a more personal basis perhaps on a Thursday night, please feel free to contact us. Please leave a message if no one answers the phone immediately. (916) 331-2746.

Rejoicing with you, in Jesus,
Michael E. Wood

Written:  March 2, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

You’ll Find That God Is There

Michael E. Wood
March 7, 2012

James 1:2-9

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation,

Of the great pleasures that we are made partakers of as children of the living God, we find that in the various trials of which we experience over the course of our lives, He rules over all and uses them in such a way that we might find that He indeed is our all in all. As we are continually brought to the end of ourselves, He faithfully brings us to understand that He is the answer to all things and freely gives to us the practical wisdom that we have need of for each of our own life’s particular situations.

As we ask Him in faith, trusting only in the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, believing that He will supply our every need, we find that we receive by His Spirit through His Word not only that for which we ask, but abundantly above and beyond all we can think or ask, causing us to enjoy peace beyond understanding and producing steadfastness of faith by His command, enabling us to abound in His work whereby He is glorified and many thanksgivings are offered up to Him. Therefore rejoice in the humility brought about through trials which our infinite God and Father has designed for our joy and uses to direct our hearts more fully to Himself!

At the end of all you know, you’ll find that God is there,
And by faith He’ll build you up in answer to your prayer.
And as the billows all around are driven by the wind,
You’ll find in Him the peace beyond what we can comprehend.

For He will give true wisdom in the things of which we lack
And shield us by Himself to face the enemies’ attack.
As to ourselves He’s left us not, but for the full effect,
We’re made to see that every trial by grace will more perfect
The joy beyond the knowledge which He gives for Jesus sake
And by the Holy Spirit we are made then to partake
Of the sweet endurance by the cross with which we’re bound
To worship Him in holiness, as in Him we are found.
And by His great transcendence He to us steadfastness gives
To proclaim His glory as in us now Jesus lives.

So give Him all the praise who wipes away our every doubt
And answers us without reproach which makes us want to shout,
‘He is the God alone beyond the glory that is due
And gives us life and light that He alone we may pursue!