Michael E. Wood
April 30, 2012
Romans 6:11
So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:13
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
“Mortification is a continued act, it is a daily dying to sin, ‘I die daily.’ A crucified man will strive and struggle, yet, in the eyes of the law, and in the account of all that see him, he is dead. It is just so with sin.”
Thomas Brooks, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Device”
What a wonderful and encouraging description we are given through the words of Thomas Brooks concerning the ongoing process of our sanctification. For though we may and do suffer setbacks or momentary declension, we are continually born up by the Holy Spirit given to us through Christ Jesus our Lord, who loved us and gave Himself for us, thereby being not only our guarantee that we shall never return to whence we came but will indeed receive the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls culminating in that glorification that encompasses all creation to the praise of His glorious grace.
The cross we bear is that of daily dying to our sin
And yet we do rejoice as it is Christ we are to win.
For as we look to Him we find He is the means of grace
And more like Him we shall become while looking in His face.
And as the sirens of this world will vie for our attention
It is the Holy Spirit who will keep us from declension.
Though setbacks are determined by our arrogance and pride,
Our Sovereign God will use these too to show us we have died.
For as we cry for mercy, we still find we are embraced
By Christ Himself who through the cross has our own sins erased.
Lift high therefore the banner and continue in the fight
Through the blood of Jesus who has conquered by His might,
Every foe we find within ourselves and those without
That for His praise we’re carried by His Spirit then to shout,
“He is the God alone in whom we trust o’er all the span
Between the heavens and the earth fulfilling Father’s plan
To manifest His glory even now and more to come
When all creation is renewed by Him of whom we’re from.”