Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Your Light Shines Through

Michael E. Wood
November 21-24, 2013

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. John 6:63

 I was pondering over John chapter 6 and landed squarely on verse 63 when the first part of this poem was written.

The sun was beginning to rise over the hill next to our apartment casting its first rays through the shadows. It occurred to me, that there are times when we are distracted from acknowledging the presence of God by virtue of the cares we have in this life. Through Christ the Son, He continues to shine forth His glory through His written word by the power of the Holy Spirit opening our eyes afresh to the fact the He never leaves us or forsakes us. He uses the darkness of the shadows in which we live to see our need to cast all our cares upon Him and to realize that the darkness and the light are both alike to Him and that He is ever present.

Though this poem is imperfect with meter changes etc.; it is a heart cry given to me to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.

Oh, by Thy words we live and breathe
And bow to Thee on bended knee.
And by the Father’s first decree
We cast our burdens all on Thee.

I love the way Your light shines through
The darkness that we see
And causes us to yet rejoice
In shadows as we flee
Into Your waiting arms of love
So gentle and so strong
And there You give assurance
You were with us all along.

And though we’re made to feel at times
We may be too subjective.
Our one desire is You are known
And that is our objective.
So judge we not by feeble sense
But trust alone in You,
That by Your word You will transform
Our all to honor You.

And though our flesh may feel the cold
By winds You send our way,
Your Spirit warms our hearts
To live for You another day.
So help us feast upon You
And rejoice in Your pure light,
By the knowledge of Your presence
As Your sons now in Your sight.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Father, Ever Dear!

Michael E. Wood
November 15, 2013

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.
2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Quite often, my precious wife Dianna will ask me if I am ready to preach just prior to the time I am scheduled to preach. More often than not my answer is, “I never feel ready.” Now while that statement may not be altogether true, I do find that with my current schedule in teaching and preaching several times a week I feel so very inadequate and ill-prepared when I think of the incomprehensible responsibility of proclaiming the Excellencies of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. And yet I am encouraged by the promises God has given through the written word that it is indeed He who makes those whom He has called to this task sufficient as ministers of the good news of the grace He gives from day to day and enables us by His Spirit to be the conduits through which He speaks.

While in the process of preparation for a Bible study at the Terraces in Roseville, California, a flood of passages came to mind to bring emphasis and weight to the particular text we would be looking at for the day. In this process I was given the confidence that these passages came to mind as a free gift of the grace of God and that He would use them to magnify Himself during our time for the day, and then the following words came to mind.

I often marvel at the grace
You give to seek You in the face
Of Christ whose glory we behold
By faith in scripture You unfold
Because He came and bled and died
As You in Him are glorified
While by the Spirit we are changed
Fulfilling all You have arranged
Till all shall see Him then on high
And bow the knee to glorify
Your matchless Name by which You own
All praise and glory on the throne
From which You rule o’er every thing
And shall forever as we sing
New songs of praise with all who fear
You, as our Father, ever dear!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In the Beauty of Your Reign.

Michael E. Wood
November 5, 2013

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

While moving from the great doctrinal statements of the preceding eleven chapters of Romans the apostle Paul appeals to the practical aspects of living out the gospel of which we have received by faith in the finished work of Christ alone. By the grace of God we are what we are, children of God. Though it does not yet appear what we shall be, we are to be continually being transformed from one degree of glory to another through the renewing of our minds by the power of the Spirit and effectually showing forth the excellencies of Him who died that we might live to the praise of His glory.

Oh purify my motives!
May they all come forth from Thee
To magnify by life and word
Thy grace which set me free
From sin and self and captivates
My heart and mind to show
No other one or thing
Comes even close to Thee to know.

For knowing You exceeds
All earthly pleasures or their gain,
As all else pales completely
In the beauty of  Your Reign.
So guide us by Your pleasure
And Your faithfulness in love
To live the words You've spoken
For Your glory shown above.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

More of You (New Song)

Michael E. Wood
October 2, 8-9, 2013

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

While this verse speaks particularly of the relationship of John the Baptist with Jesus the Messiah in salvation history, the thought occurred to me that the principle of our ongoing sanctification could also be observed.

As we consider how we might become more usable to God in the advancement of His Kingdom, our focus should be continually brought to the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  For we are the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.  So then as we proceed to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it should likewise become more and more evident that it is Christ in us, the hope of glory, who will bring about His purposes by the power of His Spirit to praise of His glorious grace.

Contemplation's never cease
Of how Your kingdom may increase.
But I find so oft, I fall so short
Through life You give on lease.
And what I need in all I say,
And what I need in all I do
Is so much less of what’s of me
And so much more of what’s of You.
More of You to cheer the heart
Which feels the pains of searing loss.
More of You to give the strength
To bear the burdens of the cross.
For the joy You set before all those
Who look to You and live,
You have promised to bring forth
That we may You the glory give.

Father, help me by Your Spirit
In the cross of Christ to hide,
Knowing You are ever present
As the blood spilled from the side
Of my Savior who has given words
To know Him as my guide,
And to slay my pride remaining
And in Him alone abide.
More of You to give the grace
I need to honor You each day.
More of You to shine the light
Of life to others on the way
To the house You have prepared
For those who look to You and live,
As our Father through the Son
That we may You the glory give.

So then all You have appointed,
Help us see by Your own hand,
You have brought to know the truth,
By Christ alone we’re made to stand.
May Your faithfulness and love
Give strength in weakness that we feel
As the treasure in these jars of clay
Show others, He is Real!
More of You to give the grace
To walk in true humility.
More of You to change our thoughts
To live a life of purity.
For the glory we behold
As those who look to You and live
Shall be fully consummated
In Your presence then to give.