Michael E. Wood
August 8, 2014
Truly God is good to Israel , to those who are pure
in heart
Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth
that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the
strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:1, 25-26
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see
God.” Matthew 5:8
What an encouraging word that our Great God, and Savior
Jesus Christ speaks to the hearts He has made new through the sacrifice of
Himself. What a wonder it is that God takes that which by nature is deceitful
and desperately wicked and replaces it with a heart that is receptive and responsive
to the purity that comes through Christ alone. And though it does not yet
appear what we shall be, we know that when we see Jesus, we shall be like Him,
for we shall see Him as He is!
Do you find the encouragement He gives, as He speaks through
the Word by His Spirit to your own heart?
He lifts me by His Word within
This frame of dust I live
And brings such great delight in
Knowing he alone doth give
The passion for His excellence
So others will then see
Reflections of His glory
Emanating then through me.
And Oh, what expectations He
Doth build as we resign
Together for the gospel He has
Shown by His design,
To show Himself all glorious
Within the church He bought
With Christ’s own blood, as angels
Watch o’er all that He has sought.
So cry to Him, Oh pure in heart,
Add quickness to the pace,
Endure with joy and patience till
We see His smiling face.
And as that day approaches,
Holy Father, God, and Friend,
Fulfill our one desire to see
Your glory as our end.