(Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Eph. 3:20,21)
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Now unto Him be all the praise.
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Who worketh in us by His love without end all our days.
Grace You have giv'n, because it did please You—
Forgiveness of sins, Your pleasure to give.
Chosen in Jesus, to be made holy;
To the praise of the glory of Your grace, accepted in Him.
You caused us to hear the truth of the gospel—
Enlightened our eyes, to see by Your Spirit.
Hope now we have, because of Your calling;
Because of Your mercy, we're raised now with Him from the dead.
For now in Christ, we are brought near to You
And through His blood, we are made one.
He is our peace, we now can come to You—
By One Spirit O, Father in holiness we now draw nigh.
We are Your church, we are Your body;
Built upon Christ, Who now is our head.
(Built upon Christ, our Chief Cornerstone)
We who believe are carefully joined in Him—
A dwelling for You by Your Spirit forever, Amen.
And for this cause, we are made ministers,
To spread the Good News by Your mighty power.
And for this cause we bow our knees to You;
Oh, fill us with strength by Your Spirit with love from on high.
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Now unto Him be all the praise.
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Who worketh in us by His love without end all our days.
(Up an octave)
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Now unto Him be all the praise.
Now unto Him be all the glory.
Who worketh in us by His love without end all our days.
Michael E. Wood
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