Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Longer Standing in the Middle

Michael E. Wood – December 23, 2009

(Chorus 1)
Will you stand in the middle
Or call on His Name?
Will you stand in His Glory
Or stand in your shame?
Do you live for the purpose
That all may proclaim
The matchless Glory of Jesus
Who still is the same.

When Korah stood in the middle
While wearing His name
The Lord God of Heaven
Through Moses proclaimed
A new work would take place
The earth opened wide
Consumed all of Korah’s
Rebellion and pride

Chorus 1

When neither voice or an answer
Was spoken from Baal
Elijah called on the Lord God
Whose fire then there fell
The people knew that the Lord God
Was Lord God alone
And they fell on their faces
As His glory was shown

Chorus 1

For years I walked in indecision
Based in my thoughts
I thought that I knew Him
And yet I was lost
My hope rest in the good works
I thought I had done
But when it came to give Him glory
I found I had none.

Now I know, there's no middle,
Except in the mind.
You can think you are righteous,
And yet be so blind.
Apart from Christ you'll remain there,
Deceived you will be.
Unless the grace of the LORD GOD,
Doth shine down in thee.

(Optional verse)
Now I know, there's no middle,
Except in the mind.
You can think you are righteous,
And yet be so blind.
Apart from grace you'll remain there,
Deceived you will be.
You must repent, and believe that,
Christ's death made you free.

In peace and glory in Jesus
The Rock I now stand
By grace, He pulled me from the pit of
The deep sinking sand
From all the lies I was buying
When I thought I was saved
He raised me up to now walk on
The great Kings Highway

(Chorus 2)
No longer standing in the middle
Because of His Cross
His blood’s interceding
To count all things loss
In sweet assurance
He guides us to know who He is
By grace we stand in the truth
Of the Word He has giv’n

Chorus 1

The matchless glory of Jesus
Who still is the same
Do you bow at His feet
And His mercy proclaim
Do you live for the purpose
That all may proclaim
The matchless glory of Jesus
Who still is the same?

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