While contemplating questions I was being asked concerning others which preach a gospel which is not "The Gospel" at all and looking to God through His Word in 2nd Peter chapter 2 and coming to verses 17 and 18 which tells us, "These are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm. For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved. For speaking load boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh", the following words came to mind;
"What's in it for me?" is what they did ask.
Though not with words--I was given the task,
To look to God's Word to find what He says;
The hope of the gospel to raise from the dead,
Those who are lured by their sensual passions,
Caught up in the darkness of vanities fashions.
For what now appeals to their self-centered ways,
Has blinded their minds to the Ancient of Days.
So if you are reading now, Do you not know
Condemnation and destruction reserved long ago,
Is determined for those whose hearts trained in greed;
Will keep you from seeing what you truly need;
Repentance and faith, as you look to the Son,
The Gift of God's glory--The Only Just One!
For all we have sinned and God's glory defame,
And apart from His grace we would die in our shame!
Only the cross of my Jesus can give you,
Forgiveness and grace, God's mercy will grant few.
Though many are called, they go on in the broad way,
And living in error, they will find themselves cast-away,
From the Presence of Him, Who has shown forth His love,
By sending Christ Jesus; our Lord from above.
So now I will ask you this one final question,
"Will you turn from your sin, look to Christ for direction?"
For all that He Is and all that He's Done
Will only be true for those who humbly come
To the end of themselves, to show forth God's glory,
And enter through Jesus, His Kingdom with joy!
Michael E. Wood
May 1, 2010 7:40 am
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