More pure than all the law is found
The righteousness of God and bound
Through faith in Jesus Christ the Son,
Eternal God, our Holy One!
The law and prophets bear witness now
To Him, with joy, we humbly bow,
And justified by His grace are we
Through redemption bought at Calvary!
It is now Christ of which we boast
Empowered by the Holy Ghost!
For what does all the scripture say?
Believe in God, through Christ, The Way!
Now blessed are we whose lawless deeds
Are forgiven by His Sovereign plea!
And sins forgiven by His blood
Which stems the overwhelming flood;
Which would have carried us to hell
Had not His righteousness as well
Been counted by faith to be our own
Through Christ, Who for our sins atoned!
In footsteps, the faith of our father we walk,
And all for the glory of God our talk.
By His Promise and rest in His grace guaranteed
In the presence of God, in Whom we believed.
He gives life to the dead and calls to existence
Things that were not and shows His omniscience.
In hope, Abraham believed against hope
And strong in the faith, which shows forth the scope,
Of the Father of nations, Christ now has become,
The offspring and glory of God, Holy Son!
No distrust concerning the promise did he waiver,
From God for His glory, Who showed forth His favor.
Fully convinced God could do what He promised,
His faith counted righteousness to him and upon us,
Who believe in Lord Jesus, Who rose from the dead,
Delivered up for our trespasses, imputed instead,
A just vindication in answer to wrath.
Now justified freely, He leads with His Staff.
Rejoicing in hope of our God on His throne,
Til with Him in glory, His justice is shown.
To be continued...
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