Do these thoughts ever come to mind? "Oh, who am I, that I should be so blessed to have communion with the Almighty God of all creation? Why should He love me so, except by His Own choosing, and for the manifestation of His Own glory and praise?"
To dwell on the fact that GOD IS LOVE, is not just a wonderful thought, but a present reality in the life of those He has appointed unto salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What blessed thought that because of the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, we are brought into the everlasting arms of our Father which is in heaven. That He loves us with the same everlasting love that He loves His only begotten Son from before anything that is created was brought into being and we love Him because He first loved us. Oh that we might love Him more in thought, word, and deed!
Oh may it now be known of Thee
Thy tender love from Calvary.
For when You sent Your Son to come
He died alone upon the tree.
How precious are Your thoughts we're told
As by Your Spirit You unfold
The myst'ries of unfailing love
Far greater than we now behold.
You spoke before the dawn of time
To Thy Own Son of all of Thine.
And as You were well satisfied
All hid in Him You said, "They're Mine."
Thus before You set to motion
All creation for devotion,
The fullness of unchanging grace
The Lamb slain, shows forth Love's ocean.
As my love for You grows, abounds.
Christ Is my reason, He my grounds.
Rejoicing together, in His love
Moves me to praise with joyful sounds.
This song of love my heart records
As nothing but God's peace affords.
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Delights to tighten up our chords.
So swim therein unto the end
With much thanksgiving, thus ascend
As ev'ry good resolve God fills
Through faith by love in Christ depend.
Michael E. Wood
September 13, 2010
I like it!