Michael E. Wood
February 4, 2011
After spending part of the day listening to messages by Joel Beeke and Francis Chan on the subject of prayer from the recent Desiring God Pastors Conference, the following poem came to mind as a prayer. While deeply convicted of my own need to grow in the area of personal prayer, I am yet encouraged by the Word of God that those that have gone before us and those whom God uses to challenge us by His Spirit to grow in the grace of prayer were and are just like we are: children of The Living God, absolutely dependant upon Him to hear and to answer the cries of our heart to become more like Christ throughout our lifetime until we see Him face to face.
Oh melt our hearts Oh Father
That we like men of old
Lay hold of You persistently
By mercies to be bold.
Though hindered by our passions;
Assist us in our prayers,
To know the joy that only comes
When fighting through the layers
Of all our pride impeding us
And sins particular
Which when confessed, translates to light
To see perpendicular.
For though You’re high and lofty
And dwell in glory bright;
You dwell within the broken
And the heart that is contrite.
We thank You for the promises
That You to us have told,
Personified through Jesus Christ
In Whom we now behold.
For all our answers we shall find
In Him are Yea! Amen!
So make us more like Jesus
By Your Spirit to ascend
With confidence secured by Christ
In Whom You now delight
And answer more than we can ask
Through grace and awesome might!
You know our every need and
Know our greatest need is You,
And for Your pleasure You will answer
All that shall be true
By which we may behold
The wondrous glory of Your grace,
And infinite shall be the day
We see You face to face!
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