Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Displayed in Glory's Land

Michael E. WoodApril 2-3, 2011

While reading through Psalm 6, verse 9 caught my attention. “The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

A few days prior to reading this particular Psalm, I had been blessed with the opportunity to listen to a message by Pastor Gregory N. Barkman via, entitled, “Giving Thanks”. This particular message was the sixth installment of an expositional series through the book of Colossians. On this occasion I was reminded that the priority of prayer is worship.

Prayer is a means of grace given by God through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to display His glory and to procure the things He has promised. Prayer is also a matter and response of love, first to God and then for others, which will not be fully comprehended or commended until with Him in eternity.

O prayer, sweet means of grace God gives
That with Him in communion,
We may rejoice in Who He Is
Through Christ by holy union.
As by faith He brings delight
In casting out all our fears.
His glory is transcendent
Far beyond all what appears.
For He delights in mercy;
All true worship He will accept,
And give beyond what any mind
Can think or e’er expect.

So as you go to Him to seek
All things you would procure,
Rejoice in knowing He alone
Knows best and what is sure
To bring him honor for the sake
Of His Own steadfast love,
Displayed both now in temp’ral life
And forevermore above.

Oh help us be more vibrant
By this gift of private prayer,
For all shall be revealed that day
With You in glory there,
When You show fully all that was
Entrusted by Your hand
As all true love is openly
Displayed in glory's land.

Upon reading this poem once again, the thought came to mind of how that which may appear at first to be didactic also becomes personal as we direct our hearts toward God in prayer.

O prayer, sweet means of grace You give
That with You in communion,
We may rejoice in Who You Are
Through Christ by holy union.
As by faith You bring delight
In casting out all our fears.
Your glory is transcendent
Far beyond all what appears.
For You delight in mercy;
All true worship You will accept,
And give beyond what any mind
Can think or e’er expect.

So as we come to You to seek
All things we would procure,
Rejoice in knowing You alone
Know best and what is sure
To bring You honor for the sake
Of Your Own steadfast love,
Displayed both now in temp’ral life
And forevermore above.

Help us Father be more vibrant
By this gift of private prayer,
For all shall be revealed that day
With You in glory there,
When You show fully all that was
Entrusted by Your hand
As all true love is openly
Displayed in glory's land.

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