Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blessings From Very Light Afflictions - Part 7

Michael E. Wood
July 13, 2011

While the present series does not encompass all of the blessings received to my heart from the Lord during recent days while waiting for what I trust will be full temporary recovery from my back injury, my desire is that He will use the things He has given me to be an encouragement to others and most of all that He will be glorified therein. Thus with prayer and praise we look to Him who was, and Is, and is to come! To Whom be glory both now and forevermore. Amen!

Closing Prayer and Praise!

The glories of Your grace,
Enlightened by the knowledge
That we soon will see Your face;

Oh help us to be bold
And speak the truth in love,
Dependant on Your Holy Spirit’s
Power to unfold

The mystery of the cross
Of which You bore alone,
O Christ, redeeming all You chose
From great eternal loss.

For in Your train we follow now,
As justified, forgiven,
Till all the earth shall know
And every knee before You bow.

After reading the following to my beloved Dianna, she said, "That sounds like a song". I smiled and said, “We’ll see.”

Oh when we fail to notice
As our mem’ry is so weak,
We trust in You that every step
From slipping You will keep.

As all for Your great honor,
Oh help us to be true
And by Your Holy Spirit’s power;
Christ give glory to
Your precious Name, as it alone
Is worthy of all praise
And by the power of Your blood,
We stand, forgiven, raised,
Rejoicing in the privilege;
The called and justified,
As grace through faith You gave to live
Till with You glorified!

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