Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Priority of the Man of God

Michael E. Wood
September 2, 2011

But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Acts 6:4

With church growth comes the necessity for many temporal needs to be met, and God has ordained that His children should love Him supremely and have the same love for one another as they have for themselves. Whatever and wherever these needs abound, God’s grace does much more abound through those whom He has prepared as an expression of His glory to meet those needs. The calling of God upon some, regardless of the pressures without, is that they might give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.

The priority of the man of God
Is the Word of God and prayer,
That he be strong to wield the sword
Of the Spirit through every layer
Of soul and spirit, dividing asunder,
Discerning intents of the heart,
As God in truth reveals now Himself
Through Jesus and yet but in part.

For now we see as in a poor mirror
Things so imperfectly,
But then everything we shall see
With all perfect clarity.

Oh who has known the mind of the Lord?
For His ways are past finding out,
Or knows enough to be His advisor,
For no one has that kind of clout.

How great are His riches and wisdom
And knowledge to lead His dear children along
To show forth His glory, our purpose forever
In Jesus to whom we belong.

By Christ’s’ sacrifice we are raised up
To be about our Father’s business,
Recounting the cost; His blood on the cross,
The glory of His faithful witness!

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