Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Gift of God Receive

Michael E. Wood
Original Writing was on 7/12/11
with Christmas in Mind

 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:15, 16

While listening to a message being preached by Gregory N. Barkman entitled, “Why Jesus is the firstborn”, the quaint little saying that is used around the time of year that we celebrate His birth came to mind. “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

While I am thankful this phrase is used to draw attention to the fact of our Savior’s birth, it bothers me tremendously that in many ways I fear this phrase is actually used to reduce the significance of who Jesus Is! The Son of God in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily is the reason all created things have their existence including time itself.

Sam Storms in his Commentary on the book of Colossians put it this way, “He that is Jesus is the reason, the goal, the aim, the intent, the point, the purpose, the end, the terminus, the consummation, and culmination of every molecule that moves.”

The reason, more majestic
Spans beyond imaginations.
The Alpha and Omega, Yeah
The purpose of creations
Beginning and its end
Has only one just thing in view,
That all things will reflect
And give the glory that is due

To Him who was before all time
And spoke into existence
This season which is now called time
And proves His pre-existence
And in the end it will not matter
What we accumulate
But only that we’re known and know
The blessed Potentate,

Who as a babe in Bethlehem
And of a virgin born
Was also Him who all creation,
His glory did adorn.
And as He did not come as one
Of whom we would desire,
He yet in His humility
Took on the sin entire
Of all who by His grace through faith
Would trust Him and believe,
Borne of the Holy Spirit
And the gift of God receive.

Much more than just the reason
For the season; Jesus Is,
God incarnate glorified
And everything is His!

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