Michael E. Wood
November 25, 2012
Though the following thoughts may be somewhat simplistic and
childlike, my heart rejoices in the fact that Jesus Christ came to earth in the
form of a man: the helpless babe in Bethlehem was declared to be the Son of God
in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead,
and I am called to belong to Him.
Because of Gods great love for me,
I am His and He is mine.
I am His and He is mine.
Separate from the world to be,
I am His and He is mine.
Unto His glory, I now see
I am His and He is mine.
All praise to Christ, who set me free
I am His and He is mine.
And through His name I worship Thee;
I am His and He is mine.
I praise Thee Father as Your own;
I am His and He is mine.
As Christ for me, did sin atone;
I am His and He is mine.
Flesh of flesh and bone of bone;
I am His and He is mine.
A member of His body sown;
I am His and He is mine.
In this world till fully grown;
I am His and He is mine.
As raised with Him before Thy throne;
I am His and He is mine.
So help me walk now more holy;
I am His and He is mine.
To show Thy glories guarantee;
I am His and He is mine.
Empowered by Thy Spirits plea;
I am His and He is mine.
Till perfect in eternity;
I am His and He is mine.
Beholding all Thy majesty;
I am Yours and You are mine