Monday, December 31, 2012

More Sparks of Praise from Romans

Michael E. Wood
November 25, 2012

"... including you who are called to belong to Jesus Christ,"Cross references: Romans 1:6 Rev. 17:14; [ch. 8:28, 30]Romans 1:6

Though the following thoughts may be somewhat simplistic and childlike, my heart rejoices in the fact that Jesus Christ came to earth in the form of a man: the helpless babe in Bethlehem was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, and I am called to belong to Him.

Because of Gods great love for me,
I am His and He is mine.

Chosen, called; eternally,
I am His and He is mine.

Separate from the world to be,
I am His and He is mine.

Unto His glory, I now see
I am His and He is mine.

All praise to Christ, who set me free
I am His and He is mine.

And through His name I worship Thee;
I am His and He is mine.

I praise Thee Father as Your own;
I am His and He is mine.

As Christ for me, did sin atone;
I am His and He is mine.

Flesh of flesh and bone of bone;
I am His and He is mine.

A member of His body sown;
I am His and He is mine.

In this world till fully grown;
I am His and He is mine.

As raised with Him before Thy throne;
I am His and He is mine.

So help me walk now more holy;
I am His and He is mine.

To show Thy glories guarantee;
I am His and He is mine.

Empowered by Thy Spirits plea;
I am His and He is mine.

Till perfect in eternity;
I am His and He is mine.

Beholding all Thy majesty;
I am Yours and You are mine

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