Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nothing to Glory in, Save but the Cross

Michael E. Wood
January 22-March 7, 2013

Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies. Psalm 27:11 (ESV)

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Galatians 6:14 (KJV)

This song was written as a plethora of scripture passages came together over a period of a month and a half. Numerous poems had poured forth from meditations from Psalm 27, and from one written on January 22nd, Dianna said, “that sounds like a song”. Jokingly I asked her, “Well, can you tell me what it sounds like?” I printed out a copy and reviewed it occasionally as the days went by.

On March 1st, while being reminded by the Word of God that all that we have which is of any eternal value comes as a free gift of the grace of God, and as the result of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, the words to a short chorus expressing those facts came to mind.

In the mean time, Dianna had gotten one of the various flu bugs that had been going around this time of year which lasted for several days. As a result, she got sicker than she had ever been and spent most of her time for the week in the bed. Thus, I resigned myself to not going out from the house as much on my normal schedule so that I might be there to help with whatever needs she might have.

On Thursday night she was feeling somewhat better, but I found myself struggling to focus on continuing to study in sermon preparation for Sunday, and began to read through some of the poems I had written, when suddenly I noticed that the meter for the poem of which Dianna said sounded like a song and the chorus written on another occasion was the same. In the matter of about an hour the rest came together and the following is the result.

We thank You, Oh Father, as perfect You send
All things in our lives and control to this end
With grace more abundant and love to us show
That Jesus our Lord and our Savior we’ll know-
With nothing to glory in, save but the cross
The blood of our Savior redeemed us from loss,
When crushed for our sin He fulfilled all the law,
Restoring our souls for Your worship in awe.

As vessels of mercy and channels of grace,
Reflections of glory which stream from the face
Of Christ our dear Savior, who rules from above,
Transforming our minds and our lives by His love-
With nothing to glory in, save but the cross,
Our faith You refine as the gold from the dross
To make us the means by Your Spirit to share
Some glimpses of glory while burdens we bear.

You teach us dear Jesus to stay in the way,
Though narrow, yet level, the path till the Day
Our pilgrimage comes to a close in the house,
With God as our Father and we as Your spouse-
With nothing to glory in, save but the cross,
With no more remembrance of anything lost,
With every thing perfectly brought into view
With You as the center of everything new.

All enemies vanquished, with death as the last,
So help us more boldly on You our cares cast,
While knowing all things will then prove in the end
That You, our Lord Jesus, our Father did send-
To show us the glory of God on the cross,
The Lamb that was slain to redeem us from loss,
And then in perfection, Your beauty we’ll see,
In radiant awe of Your Great Majesty!

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