Michael E. Wood
August 5, 2013
Are there passages of scripture that seem to captivate you, filled with depths which cannot be plumbed? Well, this has been one for me.
Commentators tell me within these three verses lie every aspect of insight of which the Apostle Paul will unfold through the course of the rest of the letter to the Philippians. While I believe that to be true, without going into too much detail, there are a number of things which have become obvious already.
This model of prayer is for all saints, regardless of what their position or giftedness may be in the church. Our love should be excessive in quantity, quality, or both; ever increasing without end, both for God and man. Through knowledge and discernment by the scriptures we learn to approve what is excellent. As we learn to test and appropriate what is excellent we become more Christ like in character, working out with fear and trembling what He has worked in by His Spirit with the assurance that our Father will bring His work to completion at the day of Christ.
“We are to behold Christ. We should be stirred by Christ's example to be like him. Since all he did was out of love for us. All he did was for our good; imitating him will be the best thing we could do for our good.” John Owen, "The Holy Spirit”, Puritan Paperbacks, The Banner of Truth Trust
This model of prayer is for all saints, regardless of what their position or giftedness may be in the church. Our love should be excessive in quantity, quality, or both; ever increasing without end, both for God and man. Through knowledge and discernment by the scriptures we learn to approve what is excellent. As we learn to test and appropriate what is excellent we become more Christ like in character, working out with fear and trembling what He has worked in by His Spirit with the assurance that our Father will bring His work to completion at the day of Christ.
“There are three faculties in our souls
which are capable of receiving spiritual strength. They are the understanding,
the desires and the will. So any spiritual ability we have must be because it
has been imparted to these faculties.”
“We are utterly
dependent on him for all our good actions and for that root and spring of
holiness in us from which all spiritually good actions arise.”
“We are to behold Christ. We should be stirred by Christ's example to be like him. Since all he did was out of love for us. All he did was for our good; imitating him will be the best thing we could do for our good.” John Owen, "The Holy Spirit”, Puritan Paperbacks, The Banner of Truth Trust
Help me seek You as I serve You
In this course of study here,
So that I may live to please You
As I walk within Your fear,
And then prove that which is excellent
As now judged by Your light
Which gives weight to what You’re speaking
As we stand now in Your sight.
Oh permeate our hearts and minds
With Your unchanging Word,
Oh Father, to live out in truth
The things of which we've heard.
For nothing so compels us as
The love by which we’re bound,
Transforming every thought and deed
Till Christ alone is found,
To be the treasure others see
When come we face to face
And show the matchless wonder
Of Your own redeeming grace.
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