Michael E. Wood
December 30, 2013
For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and
cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his
body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:29-31
For the holidays the city had given Dianna six days off, so
she decided to take an additional four days which would give her two full weeks
before returning to work. This would allow her to come with me to the various
facilities of which the Lord has opened opportunities for ministering the Word
and allow her to help finish a number of projects that have been on the back
burner for some time.
Shortly into this time she developed severe back pains. By
doing a little research she determined that it was sciatica. Providentially she
had also decided to go on a new diet, of which during her research found to be
helpful for treatment for the sciatic condition. Her pain subsided over the
course of the two weeks, but she felt discouraged over not being able to do all
the things she had planned.
In many ways I felt helpless to be much comfort and
sometimes selfish for my own perceived loses during this time and yet these are
the thoughts which came to mind to bring some level of comfort to my beloved wife.
Upon reading this to her, I said, “You can always tell when
I have been hanging out with the Puritans by the way I write can’t you?”
Perhaps thy God will come
And take the burden from thy breast
Or stoke the fires, refining faith
Like gold to stand the test
To prove by His own presence
He indeed knew what was best
To make thee like Himself in
Thine own heart’s true treasure chest.
For that which trills the soul
Amidst a bitter providence
Is the sweetness God brings forth
To show His love and faithfulness
In all He has appointed
To produce the fruit remaining
When the winter turns to spring
And we with Him rejoice in gleaning
From the benefits received
Which He alone could e’er produce
Through this trial He brought us through
To make us meet for His own use.
For you see now that which toucheth you
Now also toucheth me.
So together let us bold approach
God’s only mercy tree.
Which provideth all the healing
For the nations from its leaves
And has given us true shelter
By His righteousness which cleaves
To each soul of which He’s humbled
By His grace to thus proclaim
He alone is God eternal
And His glory is our aim!
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