Michael E. Wood
August 16, 2016
When we look at God’s creation do we enjoy it for its own beauty’s sake without considering the God who created it, or what elements of His truth He may convey through His Word to understand it? Morning Glories blossom and fade in a day. God declares to us by His Spirit through His word, “for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you.
1 Peter 1:24-25 Put all mankind together in the light of eternity and we are but like the grass of the field that withers and whatever natural beauty we may have is like the flower that falls. The good news for all who look to Christ and live is that He clothes us with the beauty of His righteous robes which fade not away, but rather display His infinite glory forever!
The invasion of the morning glories
Now in full array
Show forth some facets of the beauty
Of our God’s display,
To cause us to delight in Him through
Whom all things were made
And wonder at the privilege
He gives to them He bade.
Oh, Come and worship Him for Whom
Your hearts were made to know
And longingly look in His face
By which we’re made to grow
Into the likeness He knew best
Would bring such joy and peace;
For Jesus only, through the cross
Makes sin and death to cease.
So as we, like the morning glories
Peak and fade so quick,
Oh, Help us Great Physician
Look to You who heals the sick!
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