Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Romans Project (Part Six & Seven)

Romans 5:12-14 (3:07 p.m. 7/3/10)

Once in Adam we all were dead
In him who sinned, our federal head.
And all from glory short we fell,
Our just dessert would then be hell!

For through one man, death came through sin.
Death spread to all, for all have sinned.
Into this world sin came indeed
When man had not a single need.

For God made Adam pure and perfect,
And yet they* bowed unto the serpent.
Both* doubted, denied God's Word they did,
Transgressed His Word and from Him hid.

His blood now runs through all our veins,
This ill-repute to our God Who reigns.
Though sin's not counted where there is no law,
Sin did indeed bring forth our fall.

And death from Adam to Moses reigned
Though all like Adam sinned not the same.
And he was like one yet to come,
The Son of God, The Righteous One!

*(they and both refer to Adam and Eve, as Genesis 5:1,2 states,"This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him; Male and female created He them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created")

Romans 5:15-17 (8:16 a.m.-4:09 p.m. 7/26/10)

Oh come let us see the wondrous comparison
In awe of the Greatness of God; His compassion.
For if many have died through the one man's trespass,
Much more we have grace through The One Man now access.
To come to the Father, by the free gift of grace,
The light of the glory of God in the face
Of Jesus who brought to us justification,
Exchanged for the judgment which brought condemnation.

For not as one trespass, much more the free gift,
Through the abundance of grace by That One Man uplift,
Though by Adam's one sin we were spiritually dead,
We reign now in life by Christ Jesus our Head!

Oh can we now fathom and value the cross
As all men in one man brought infinite loss.
The free gift of righteousness through Jesus came
As He bore our wrath and the infinite blame.

Oh Father now help us, Your glory, our gain,
To magnify Jesus, for all else is vain.
For the free gift that followed our many trespasses
As the praise of the grace of Your glory surpasses,

The great reign of death by which we were held
Through The One Man Christ Jesus it's grip was dispelled.
The free gift much more than our words have conveyed,
Tis Your pleasure, Oh God, by which we are saved!

Michael E. Wood

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