Monday, April 30, 2012

“I Am The Resurrection”

Michael E. Wood
April 9, 2012

John 11:25-26

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

While the following may seem somewhat esoteric and obviously falls incredibly short of the glory, the power, and the purity of that which our Lord proclaimed while He was here on earth, I trust that others will be encouraged to look to Him in His fullness and see Him as He is.

‘I Am the resurrection’ and I Am the life which flows
Within the heart of every child, that my forgiveness knows.
And as I call you each by name from your own dead estate
I also give the knowledge of my presence to forsake
The sin which held you captive, in the grave of Adam’s fall
And for my Father’s glory I have raised you by my call.

Oh friends, remove the grave clothes and the cloth about the face
Of every child to see me in this resurrected race
Of which I Am the head and now provide for every need,
Interceding by my blood and Spirit to proceed
Throughout your journey on the earth until the time to come
In which I’ll bring you to myself and show you where I’m from.

For though by faith you see me now and know by my own word,
This place prepared in glory is like nothing ever heard
Or seen with mortal eyes as they could never ever bear
The weight of glory that’s appointed for all those that share
In my sufferings of which I Am the Sovereign Lord
And give to you the grace and peace which none on earth afford.

And when you see me face to face and know the fullness of
My worth, enraptured with all saints in everlasting love,
You’ll also know more fully what was hidden from your eyes
And how I worked all things for good in answer to your cries.
For by my knowledge, through my cross I did to you bestow
The resurrected image of myself in you to show
My glory through eternity of which you knew in part,
But then you’ll know as you are known, in me with sinless heart.

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