Oh, what an inestimable value we have in Christ, and of all He has given us by the blood of His cross. While pondering the meditations of God, as a number of distracting thoughts came to mind, the words spoken by Pastor Barkman came to mind after a wonderful series of messages preached by Mark Webb on "Gleanings through Galatians" which can be found by clicking HERE. The words spoken by the power of the Spirit of God to my soul were these; "To whom much is given, much is required", and thus these are the thoughts which came to mind:
To whom much is given, much is required!
Oh, fill up our hearts with all You've desired,
As we by Your wisdom, now seek unto You.
Oh, fill up our minds, and our strength now renew.
You know our distractions, by Your Spirit distill
The truth of Your Word, to walk in Your will.
We trust in Your mercy, oh help us convey
The mystery of Christ, that others may say
How good and how pleasant that You truly Are
To all who are near and all who are far.
For You know the paths that Your children now walk.
Protect us from him, who our souls he doth stalk.
For there is no power, but what you have given.
Conform us to Christ in the land of the liven'.
For now is the time for those You uphold
That through us the truth of the gospel be told.
Oh, may now the grace of Your glory be shown
As we look to the cross of Christ Who atoned.
Oh, help us not look to our own feeble ways
As praise we now give to the Ancient of Days.
Michael E. Wood
April 16, 2010
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