Thursday, August 5, 2010

Be Glory There!

According to 2nd Thessalonians 1:10, one of the great awesome wonders for the followers of Christ upon His return, is the fact that when He comes on that day, He will be glorified "in His saints, and will be marveled at among all who have believed". What a glorious day that will be indeed, to be completely sanctified by the Spirit of God, conformed to the image of Christ, living in the midst of the new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells, as partakers of the glory which shall be revealed. Hallelujah! What a Savior! To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity! Amen!

Be Glory There!
Lyrics & Music by Michael E. Wood

May Christ by His grace
In our life now impart
His sweet testimony
Rejoicing our heart.
That we for His glory
His cross we shall bear
Til He in us marveled at
Be glory there!

Be glory there! Be glory there!
Christ in us marveled at
Be glory there!

Be glory there! Be glory there!
Christ in us marveled at
Be glory there!

We pray to this end
That our God will make you,
His calling then worthy
As all He subdues,
With every good work
In His power by faith done
In you through the Name
Of the glorified One!


Oh be not now shaken
Or faint in your mind.
The grace of our God
All sufficient you'll find,
As He is now in you
And you in Him too;
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Glorified then in you.


Hold now to Him
Who now holds on to you.
For He is our confidence,
Steadfastness too.
Direct now our hearts
O God by Your sweet love,
Til with Christ in glory
We're seen then above.


When on that day
As His saints glorified,
Beholding His face
Who was once crucified
We then as He is,
His likeness shall be,
Proclaiming forever
His great majesty!


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