Monday, August 30, 2010

For HIS Name Sake Alone!

Having read a portion of the Commentary on the Song of Songs, by James Durham, along with the introductory remarks by John Owen written May 20, 1669, of which remarks can be found in it's entirety by clicking on "The Wood's Secret Garden", dated August 23, 2010, I was reminded of how easily we can slip into focusing more on the gifts of grace we have received in Christ, rather than Christ Himself.

Psalm 145:6, says, "On the glorious splendor of Your Majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate." And thus, through Christ Himself, we are reminded that our primary focus is the glorious splendor of God Himself first; and then upon His wondrous works, for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Let us press more intent
In our striving to Jesus,
For His body and blood
Is the means He doth feed us.
Not aught of our works
Do we thus then depend,
But by faith and His Spirit
Do we thus apprehend.

For though He doth use
What we call means of grace,
Our hope is still Jesus;
He bids, "seek His face".
To know Him is what
He doth press in our soul,
As life He doth give;
By His cross, He made whole.

And thus with delight
He doth scatter our darkness
To show Himself faithful
To all His; the harmless
And blameless as children
Of God without blemish,
As lights in the world
Til our time here is finished.

So as we are members
Now one of another,
Oh let us provoke
By God's mercy, each other.
Transformed in our minds
By God's Word to discern
His good, and acceptable,
And perfect will learn.

Having gifts that now differ
According to grace,
Oh let us be fervent
To stand firm in our place.
Appointed through Christ
As our Sovereign and head,
God seated us with Him,
When raised from the dead.

Oh let us by love serve Him
To this great end,
Til all are won to Him,
And thus comprehend,
Through Jesus Christ only
Be glory forever,
To the only wise God
Who works all things together,

That we may rejoice
In all loss to perfection,
As one to His praise
In the great Resurrection.
United we shall be
In His love so unspeakable,
For His Name sake alone
Beyond all that is thinkable.

Michael E. Wood
August 24, 2010

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