Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Oh, Happy Day

Michael E. Wood
March 30, 2014

Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.
  Psalm 66:16

What a wonderful thing it is to be able to look back on the day that we as individuals were brought into a saving relationship with Christ by the Spirit of the living God. As adopted children of God the Father, ransomed from the slave market of sin, we grow in our understanding of what He has done for our souls and rejoice in the opportunities He gives to articulate those truths to others whether it be by spoken word or written word. Our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the Savior of the world and especially to those that believe.

In songs of praise I lift my voice
And join with all who have by choice
Cried out to Him who has revealed
Our pardon through the cross was sealed.

Oh, Happy Day, when God the Son
Arose to show what God had done,
As Father when by His decree
The blood of Christ would ransom me.

The Spirit came and opened eyes
By grace through faith to see the Prize
Of Christ, our Hope, to earth was sent;
God’s love in us is now present.

Oh, more than words could ever tell
That God in us has come to dwell,
Whose faithfulness and love shall keep,
His called and chosen, human sheep.

So help us, Father, now to gain
The ground You give to thus proclaim
The glory that in You is found
To be the joy for which we’re bound!


  1. Amen! Love this!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement and may He strengthen your heart to the praise of His glory!
