Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Fountain of All Wisdom

Michael E. Wood
May 18, 2011

Proverbs 18:4
The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.

Christ became to us wisdom from God. He is the Fountain of all wisdom. As He by His indwelling Spirit speaks to our hearts and our minds through the written Word of God, we are enabled to rejoice in the spring welling up to eternal life.

You are the fountain of all wisdom,
And wisdom You will surely keep,
For all those who look; dependant
As Your chosen, human sheep.

Though by nature, You are Holy,
Yet You chose to condescend
As the Word made flesh among us;
As the Lamb slain to this end:

That Your promise would be freely
Given by Your pleasure to
Those appointed by Your counsel
To rejoice in knowing You.

Holy Father, You have shown us
Through the work of Christ as finished,
Granting mercy and repentance
Which shall never be diminished.

As a bubbling brook within us
You now by Your Spirit dwell
As the fountain and the wisdom;
God only wise does all things well!

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